
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


6/16 Sat. T-Bone&Yasu are back to Bobwundaye!

Using variations of tempo and time signatures, as well as unique chord structures and rhythms, T-Bone and Yasu’s music creates interesting and original textures. Playing beyond a “guitar and a box”, they tackle arrangements that might normally be reserved for a large band...s.
-Their music was a little....I don't know how to say... "off"- review from a recent show

利用多變的節奏與時間變化特徵, 及獨特的和弦結構與韻律, T-Bone和Yasu兩人創造了音樂的趣味性及原創況味.藉由一把吉他和個鼓箱, 他們就把原屬大型樂團的音樂處理妥當!
上次在Bobwundaye的表演讓很多人驚艷, 音樂豐富有趣, 樂手也很High, 這次也要好好玩一下囉!
更多訊息(或試聽一下!!)More info. about them:

Time: 10pm-midnight
cover charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount! 門票200元附50元飲料抵用券


6/9 Sat. Mike Mudd vs, Christian Adams @ Bobwundaye

Mike could be Taiwan's busiest traveling performer, and with his explosive stage presence and emotionally driven songwriting it's no surprise. He has equal tendencies toward light or dark themes: confessional, bizarre, obsessive, comedic, angry, romantic, or dramatic.

A true one-man-band with acoustic finger-style and flat-picked guitar, harmonica-in-a-rack, ukulele, and foot percussion. His often self-deprecating songs range from alternative-folk, blues, roots, rock and alt-country, to gypsy, jump, and tin-pan-alley.



麥克的歌曲主題很廣泛,或沉重,或輕快. 懺悔,幽默,憤怒,浪漫,奇幻,迷戀,或戲劇化的情感,他都能完整的抒發於音符之間.


麥克的風格獨特,他結合了特別的"手指技法木吉他"(相當於是鋼琴家在彈鋼琴時來彈吉他),和用撥片在木吉他上彈奏. 還有少見的架式口琴,烏克麗麗和輔助的敲擊樂器(鈴鼓,沙鈴).


麥克是一個創作型歌手,他的歌曲類型從藍調,Roots, 搖滾,以民謠為原始方式來做音樂的非主流鄉村,吉普賽,結合了節奏爵士與藍調的Jump,和叮砰巷歌曲.

Christian Adams is coming out of retirement!

Christian will perform as a solo guitarist-slash-entertainer for the first time since 2006, playing fingerstyle 12-string renditions of some of his favorite songs, including (possibly) an Aztec Hearts song or two. Currently he's been practicing "Fat Ass" and "Sandy".
Chris 手拿紅酒, 靜靜的等了六個月, 才說"其實我以前是職業樂手.." 距離上次上舞臺已經有6年了, 這次, 懷抱對音樂不滅的熱情, 用及他告訴說對音樂的愛恨情仇..

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount
門票200, 附50元飲料折價券