06.22 The Jelly Roll Affair @Bobwundaye
The Jelly Roll Affair is
back at Bob's for ONE LAST SHOW!!! Before our singer, the lovely Miss
Serena Engel's 2 month hiatus on bear safari in the Siberian outback.
We'll clear out the tables and bring you some swing and blues to keep you dancin' and drinkin' 'til late. See you there!
Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業
Or 'Bobs' for short. The best music, atmosphere, open mic night and Mexican cuisine in Taipei! 別太拘束!! 也不過吃飯, 喝酒, 看表演和玩音樂的同樂會所在!
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.
06.15 Dave Chen Machine @Bobwundaye
06.15 Dave Chen Machine
Dave Chen Machine回來囉!!!!! 這次將帶給你更多的音樂讓你搖擺~- Dave Chen Machine -
吉他 - David Chen
David的音樂從藍調起步,但不限於藍調, 更融合爵士,民謠等。
電貝斯 - 井上和夫
2004年移居台灣繼續推展音樂並加入Black Sheep樂團。近幾年與藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團的吉他手菊田俊介先生來台演出時同台表
鼓手 - 根石大輔
在演出方面,曾在國家戲劇院、國家音樂廳、美國的BB King's、日本的次郎吉(JIROKICHI)、日
並曾和Grammy葛來美獎歌手Hazel Payne、藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團吉他手菊田俊介先生、藍調大師Albe
06.15 Sat. 這三位藍調老手終於要共聚一堂, 激發一股新的火花!
Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount
06.08 Aztec Hearts & Winking Owl @Bobwundaye
06.08 Aztec Hearts & Winking Owl @Bobwundaye
06.08 Aztec Hearts & Winking Owl @Bobwundaye
year on June 9th we had Aztec Hearts with us at Bob's and we are honor
to pronounce that he's back again! This time with our friendly and
awesome musician Winking Owl to present you a lovely show.
- Aztec Hearts -
Aztec Hearts is not so much a band as it is a loose collective of musicians focused on the songwriting of Christian Adams. In the past, Adams has recruited a series of musicians to play on his recordings. Currently working on the band’s third record, Adams has not released the names of his collaborators, mainly because they do not live in Taiwan and would not be available to accompany him in live performances. That said, Aztec Hearts was intended to be a “studio-only” project; however, Adams has decided to play one show a year (in June), beginning with his June 9, 2012 performance at Bobwundaye. As opposed to last year’s performance (which included a series of cover song medleys), Adams will play all original material from the band’s three albums, and maybe a cover or two for fun.
- Winking Owl -
Winking Owl is an eclectic brand of indie-folk. Engaging melodies and sincere lyrics drive the bus. Currently based in Taiwan; Winking Owl is the pet project of reclusive, bitter, and often paranoid singer/songwriter Marc Spahn. Stay tuned for regular updates on the upcoming album, new pics, and show dates!
Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業
- Aztec Hearts -
Aztec Hearts is not so much a band as it is a loose collective of musicians focused on the songwriting of Christian Adams. In the past, Adams has recruited a series of musicians to play on his recordings. Currently working on the band’s third record, Adams has not released the names of his collaborators, mainly because they do not live in Taiwan and would not be available to accompany him in live performances. That said, Aztec Hearts was intended to be a “studio-only” project; however, Adams has decided to play one show a year (in June), beginning with his June 9, 2012 performance at Bobwundaye. As opposed to last year’s performance (which included a series of cover song medleys), Adams will play all original material from the band’s three albums, and maybe a cover or two for fun.
- Winking Owl -
Winking Owl is an eclectic brand of indie-folk. Engaging melodies and sincere lyrics drive the bus. Currently based in Taiwan; Winking Owl is the pet project of reclusive, bitter, and often paranoid singer/songwriter Marc Spahn. Stay tuned for regular updates on the upcoming album, new pics, and show dates!
Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業
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