
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


11.23 "T-Bone" Terry Engel's Birthday Extravaganza@Bobwundaye + Guests

11.23 "T-Bone" Terry Engel's Birthday Extravaganza@Bobwundaye + Guests

#2badlads, Terry (T-Bone) Engel and Greggo Russell 亭 with guests "Screamin'" Scott Saulters and more....

Relying on odd meters and a varied number of music styles through the evening, ICRT's morning DJ rips on the guitar for an evening of original compositions with guaranteed 15 minute guitar solos and a few familiar numbers on the side. Educational experience also guaranteed as you will learn to clap along in the most unimaginable ways.  It's heavy business on Saturday. Do so stop by and say "Happy Birthday" or shout any other obscenities that you feel appropriate.

Time / Tiempo / 時間
Saturday, November 23rd 2013, 22:00
2013年11月23日(週六) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)


11.16 The Ghost Of Mississippi @Bobwundaye

11.16 The Ghost Of Mississippi @Bobwundaye

想聽一點不一樣的爵士嗎? 那就來包伯聽The Ghost Of Mississippi吧~  讓我們輕輕鬆鬆喝杯酒聽音樂吧!
Want to have different jazz on the weekend? Come to Bob's! The Ghost Of Mississippi will be performing on the 16th of November. Have a drink and relax, I'm sure you will love it! 

- The Ghost Of Mississippi -
        樂團成立於2012年,  目前編制有主唱, 吉他, 鍵盤, 口風琴, Bass吉他, 爵士鼓打擊樂器的六重奏, 樂團以芝加哥藍調為根基,  演奏 節奏藍調(R&B), 摩城(Motown), (福音)Gospel, 搖擺樂(Swing).
        主唱阿嫺溫暖且有張力的嗓音, 鏡子(吉他)和小康(鍵盤)帶有爵士味的即興, 加上小歪溫和的口風琴和阿立( Bass)小郭(鼓)的節奏律動, 非常有獨特性的一個六重奏樂團.
        演奏的曲目從經典的老Motown Blues到改編經典名曲, 樂團做音樂的理念在於平易近人的旋律, 富有自由度的樂器即興加上節奏的互相轉換,  希望表演的時候能讓人時而靜靜聆聽時而想隨著節奏搖擺身體起來.
        在女巫店, Sappho, 河岸留言, 樹樂集表演皆有非常良好的回應, 未來的目標是在台灣推廣R&B音樂, 計劃錄製單曲並與更多人音樂人合作.

Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
50NT off on first drink 附五十元折價卷

Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業



11.08 Muddy Basin Ramblers New CD Release Show @Bobwundaye

11.08 Muddy Basin Ramblers New CD Release Show @Bobwundaye


喜歡他們的朋友千萬不要錯過了! 這個禮拜五在包伯泥灘地浪人會帶來他們的新專輯喔!!!

For people who missed their CD release party few weeks ago, please don't fear. They are coming to Bob's and will have their latest music!

Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百

Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業

11.09 Admissionaries @Bobwundaye

11.09 Admissionaries @Bobwundaye

Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
50NT off on first drink 附五十元折價卷

Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業


11.02 BB彈 & 微酸的偷窺狂 @Bobwundaye

11.02 BB彈 & 微酸的偷窺狂 @Bobwundaye


- BB彈 -
BB彈成立於2003年,出身自台中東海大學美術系。 以四人女子樂團為起初概念的BB彈,在成團之初就已經闖盪過各年度的春天吶喊、海洋音樂祭、野台開唱、硬地音樂節、秋虎祭、搖滾台中;更受邀至日本新宿Loft(2004)、迷笛音樂節大舞臺(2005)、大陸香港巡演(2005)、新加坡華藝音樂節(2007)演出。

- 微酸的偷窺狂 -

Acidy Peeping Tom is a trio indie band from Taipei, Taiwan since Aug. 2011. The members of them are Jacky Zhong(bass, vocal), Meg Chao(drum, vocal) and Neo Ni(guitar, synth). The band began in once rehearsal, singing some disco type songs they wrote and playing at Taipei's live house after found three month later.

Cover Charge: 200NT 入場費兩百
50NT off on first drink 附五十元折價卷

Bands start at 10:00pm 樂團表演十點開始
We open at 06:00pm 店家六點營業