
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


2013 New Year Eve Balloon Party+Open Mic+Skycruiser

Be ready to welcome 2013!!
Bobwundaye is going to give you a unforgettable new year Party! Balloons are all over the ceiling and with a surprise gift You may get a bottle of whiskey, sparkling wine and etc.

準備迎接2013!!無問題要讓你過個難忘的新年夜, 五彩氣球內給你無限驚喜, 試試手氣, 氣泡酒, 威士忌等小禮物馬上到手!

Grand Open Mic: Before Midnight, all the musicians are welcome to jam in bobs stage.午夜前舞台屬於愛音樂的你, 用首歌跟親朋好友分享你的愛!!

New Year Final Counting and get your secret Gift!!新年倒數+揭曉秘密禮物!!

Skycruiser Band play a first gig at Bobwundaye at 1am till tired!! Fluffies, baby bitches and ocean men; this Ween tribute band exists for you to get down and brown to. With mitts firmly wrapped around all the sweet 'n' sleazy Ween classics, we'll bring you a bubbling flow of the golden brown stuff. On New Year's Eve, Skycruiser will comprise Greg Russell on drums, Tom Squires on bass, Stew Haston on rhythm guitar, Toby Garrod on vocals and Alexander John Ives on lead guitar and Crystal Shien on synth!天際漫遊樂團繼續嗨翻新年夜!

Door Charge 門票 NT. 200


12/29 Saturday Denis Chang+Dark Eyes Gypsy

About Denis Chang:
Greatly influenced by the music of Django Reinhardt, guitarist Denis Chang's formative years were spent alongside the greatest Jazz Manouche guitarists such as Fapy Lafertin, Ritary Gaguenetti, Paulus Schäfer, Rindo Winterstein and Emmanuel Kassimo to name just these few. This young guitarist quickly developed his own style inspired by various styles of music. 

一名來自加拿大的吉他手。受到Django Reinhardr極大的影響,在Denis Chang成長時一直跟在Fapy Lafertin, Ritary Gaguenetti, Paulus Schäfer, Rindo Winterstein Emmanuel Kassimo這些吉普賽爵士吉他大師身邊。這位年輕的吉他手也很快地受到不同風格音樂的影響,發展出自己的風格。

Dark Eyes Gypsy Jazz Band
致力於推廣吉普賽爵士音樂,並且積極參與各式藝文演出, 2010年台中爵士音樂節得獎團體, 若你也熱愛生命與音樂,不妨駐足傾聽。

Door Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount


12/22 Sat. Blind Acid Date 迷幻的瞎眼約會

Blind Acid Date will be playing a Christmas show at Bobwundaye on this Saturday, 22nd Dec.
Which happens to be our guitar player's birthday as well.

Come to help to celebrate Moshe and Jesus' birthdays with good music, good people and good cheer!


12/15 Blues Trio @ Bobwundaye

吉他—David Chen

在台灣廳藍調的人應該都知道David,在美國長大回台灣尋根,意外的在寶島找到一群熱愛音樂的朋友.成立David Chen&Muddy Basin Ramblers樂團,已在無數音樂祭演出.除了藍調近年也跟多位知名客家樂手如林生祥,羅思容共同創作,並在2012獲金曲獎肯定.

David的音樂從藍調起步,但不限於藍調, 更融合爵士,民謠等

於美國明尼蘇達大學moorhead音樂學院進修時,是當時唯一一位審査合格日選的日本人,並成為 The University`s Master Band樂團(演奏爵士和融合曲風)的一員。在美國期間,多次通過試演,進而參加當地音樂嘉年華會的演出,並録製成唱片。
2004年移居台灣繼續推展音樂並加入Black Sheep樂團。近幾年與藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團的吉他手菊田俊介先生來台演出時同台表演,此外也在其他不同類型的樂團例如Jazz、Funk等擔任演出。

畢業於美國明尼蘇達大學、之後繼續於洛杉磯音樂家學院MI(Musicians Institute)進修並榮獲榮譽學生。畢業後繼續在MI校擔任助教以及在洛杉磯地區從事教學工作等音樂活動。而後回日本在MI-Japan名古屋校擔任教師,2003年來到台灣 ★在演出方面,曾在國家戲劇院、國家音樂廳、美國的BB King's、日本的次郎吉(JIROKICHI)、日本Miya Jazz Inn Festival、台中爵士音楽節等有名的地方表演。 ★並曾和Grammy葛來美獎歌手Hazel Payne、藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團吉他手菊田俊介先生、藍調大師Albert King楽団的前貝斯手Melvin Lee, 前IBC世界冠軍Ken"Snowman"Minahan, 同IBC世界冠軍Joey Gilmore, Boogie的大王Mitch Woods, 阿根廷藍調王Gabriel Gratzer, 斯洛伐克藍調王Peter Radvanyi, 藍調口琴大師Matthew Kelly, 藍調吉他大師Rich Harper, 爵士鋼琴大師Carl Schroeder, 爵士吉他大師Jeff Richman, 紐西蘭毛利族最受稱讚的歌手Whirimako Black, 葛來美獎小提琴手Jamii等世界知名樂手共同演出。2005年在

12/15 Sat. 這三位藍調老手終於要共聚一堂, 激發一股新的火花!

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount