At long last, This Saturday (Sept. 8), made-in-Taiwan blues-rock legends Celluloid will be ripping it up at Bobwundaye. Truly The veteran band of the local blues rock scene, Celluloid formed in 1994 and put out their first and only album "springtime weather" in 2002.
This band fits the bill in every way and Bobwundaye is honored to showcase a Saturday night of the real rock-out spirit of Taiwan.
You don't wanna be late for this one! Starts at 10pm.
如果你聽地下樂團夠久, 你一定知道賽璐璐, 大概是最屹立不搖, 而且碩果僅存的台製藍調搖滾團, 2002年錄製了"春天的天氣"專輯, Bobwundaye的吧台偶爾會放送回味一下, 9/8 終於可以在Bobwundaye看到原汁原味的演出, 如果你沒聽過團長阿義的現場吉他, 就別說你了台灣的地下樂團!
Time: 10pm~midnight
Door charge: NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount. 入場費二百元附五十元飲料折價券