Or 'Bobs' for short. The best music, atmosphere, open mic night and Mexican cuisine in Taipei! 別太拘束!! 也不過吃飯, 喝酒, 看表演和玩音樂的同樂會所在!
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.
2014 December Show List 十二月節目表
*** Visit our FB page for more information 可到我們的臉書讀取更多訊息***
Show List in August
Show List in August
8/1 Low-drive Rock n’ Rollft. KENYATTA FUNKSTERS
8/2 jelly Roll Affair
8/9 88balaz
8/16 BO PO MO FO
8/23 Skaraoke
8/30 Blues Signal
七月節目表 Shows in July
七月節目表 Shows in July
7/4 Happy 4th of Julyft. Kenyatta Funksters
7/5 Arman Torus & the Soul Pack
7/12 Kikuta Trio
7/18 Retro Night
ft. BeeToast
7/19 Mr. Loud Who Chance & General Sky
7/26 Scott Knost
World Cup 2014

Yes, we’ll show World Cup!!!
1. The matches at 12am we won’t ask for cover charge
2. The matches at 3am and 4am we will ask for cover charge: 300NT(includes a beer: Moosehead / Singha/ Heineken), which means we’ll clean the bar after the 00:00 matches
3. We only take reservations for the 6am matches. Let us know in advance. We only play the match when there are more than 10 people reserve
4. The last round of Group Stage, we’ll wait til later to decide to show which match(since we only have one screen)
是的, 我們會播世足!!!
1. 十二點的場次我們不收門票
2. 三點/四點的場次我們會收三百塊的門票(含一杯啤酒: Heineken/Moosehead/Singha). 我們00:00的場完之後會清空場地以便下一場的人進入
3. 六點的場次我們只接受預約, 如超過十人以上我們就播 4. 以下清單先放小組賽的第一輪跟第二輪, 之後賽事會在公佈
***MATCHES WE’LL SHOW FOR 1ST/2ND ROUND IN GROUP STAGE***目前可公開的情報-播放場次小組賽第一輪跟第二輪***
1. 2014/6/13 Friday(五) 04:00
Group A Brazil - Croatia
A組小組賽 巴西 - 克羅埃西亞
2. 2014/6/14 Saturday(六) 00:00
Group A Mexico - Cameroon
A組小組賽 墨西哥 - 喀麥隆
3. 2014/6/14 Saturday(六) 03:00
Group B Spain - Netherlands
B組小組賽 西班牙 - 荷蘭
4. 2014/6/14 Saturday(六) 06:00
Group B Chile - Australia
B組小組賽 智利 - 澳大利亞
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
5. 2014/6/15 Sunday(日) 00:00
Group C Colombia - Greece
C組小組賽 哥倫比亞 - 希臘
6. 2014/6/15 Sunday(日) 03:00
Group D Uruguay - Costa Rica
D組小組賽 烏拉圭 - 哥斯大黎
7. 2014/6/15 Sunday(日) 06:00
Group D England - Italy
D組小組賽 英格蘭 - 義大利
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
8. 2014/6/15 Sunday(日) 09:00
Group C Côte d’Ivoire - Japan
C組小組賽 象牙海岸 - 日本
(Not play不播放)
9. 2014/6/16 Monday(一) 00:00
Group E Switzerland - Ecuador
E組小組賽 瑞士 - 厄瓜多
10. 2014/6/16 Monday(一) 03:00
Group E France - Honduras
E組小組賽 法國 - 宏都拉斯
11. 2014/6/16 Monday(一) 06:00
Group F Argentina - Bosnia and Herzegovina
F組小組賽 阿根廷 - 波黑
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
12. 2014/6/17 Tuesday(二) 00:00
Group G Germany - Portugal
G組小組賽 德國 - 葡萄牙
13. 2014/6/17 Tuesday(二) 03:00
Group F Iran - Nigeria
F組小組賽 伊朗 - 耐吉利亞
14. 2014/6/17 Tuesday(二) 06:00
Group G Ghana - USA
G組小組賽 迦納 - 美國
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
15. 2014/6/18 Wednesday(三) 00:00
Group H Belgium - Algeria
H組小組賽 比利時 - 阿爾及利亞
16. 2014/6/18 Wednesday(三) 03:00
Group A Brazil - Mexico
A組小組賽 巴西 - 墨西哥
17. 2014/6/18 Wednesday(三) 06:00
Group H Russia - Korea Republic
H組小組賽 俄羅斯 - 南韓
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
18. 2014/6/19 Thursday(四) 00:00
Group B Australia - Netherlands
B組小組賽 澳大利亞 - 荷蘭
19. 2014/6/19 Thursday(四) 03:00
Group B Spain - Chile
B組小組賽 西班牙 - 智利
20. 2014/6/19 Thursday(四) 06:00
Group A Cameroon - Croatia
A組小組賽 喀麥隆 - 克羅埃西亞
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
21. 2014/6/20 Friday(五) 00:00
Group C Colombia - Côte d’Ivoire
C組小組賽 哥倫比亞 - 象牙海岸
22. 2014/6/20 Friday(五) 03:00
Group D Uruguay - England
D組小組賽 烏拉圭 - 英格蘭
23. 2014/6/20 Friday(五) 06:00
Group C Japan - Greece
C組小組賽 日本 - 希臘
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
24. 2014/6/21 Saturday(六) 00:00
Group D Italy - Costa Rica
D組小組賽 義大利 - 哥斯大黎加
25. 2014/6/21 Saturday(六) 03:00
Group E Switzerland - France
E組小組賽 瑞士 - 法國
26. 2014/6/21 Saturday(六) 06:00
Group E Honduras - Ecuador
E組小組賽 宏都拉斯 - 厄瓜多
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
27. 2014/6/22 Sunday(日) 00:00
Group F Argentina - Iran
F組小組賽 阿根廷 - 伊朗
28. 2014/6/22 Sunday(日) 03:00
Group G Germany - Ghana
G組小組賽 德國 - 迦納
29. 2014/6/22 Sunday(日) 06:00
Group F Nigeria - Bosnia and Herzegovina
F組小組賽 尼日利亞 - 波黑
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
30. 2014/6/23 Monday (一) 00:00
Group H Belgium - Russia
H組小組賽 比利時 - 俄羅斯
31. 2014/6/23 Monday(一) 03:00
Group H Korea Republic - Algeria
H組小組賽 南韓 - 阿爾及利亞
32. 2014/6/23 Monday(一) 06:00
Group G USA - Portugal
G組小組賽 美國 - 葡萄牙
(Depends on the reservation看訂位情況播放)
五月節目表 May Show List
五月節目表 May Show List
Lanny's Birthday Jam
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1483183921895906/
Jump Somethin'
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/452422741528131/
Dread Rider
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/645518102206333/
Soup Mother
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/255822321269320/#
Low-Drive Rock n' Roll Night
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1446205862291614/?context=create&source=49
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/638152462940245/
Unlikely Suspects
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/701104056599063/
Show List in April 四月節目表
Show List In April 四月節目表
- 04.04 ***誰說春吶只能在墾丁 vol.1*** La Cumbia Del Sol @ Bobwundaye -
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/299386490211827/
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10170
- 04.05 ***誰說春吶只能在墾丁 vol.2*** Kikuta Trio @Bobwundaye -
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1404214509847686/?ref=5
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10153
- 04.11 ***誰說春吶只能在墾丁 vol.3*** 88balaz & Twisterella @Bobwundaye
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/528608657259289/?ref=5
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10154
- 04.12 Blues Boys & Cooky @Bobwundaye -
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1472845246260563/?ref=5
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10162
- 04.18 Kenyatta Funksters @Bobwundaye -
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/231158853742615/?ref=5
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10164
- 04.19 Midnight Ping Pong & The Same -
Gig Guide:
- 04.26 Under The Moon & -
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/712280238832895/?context=create&source=49
Gig Guide: http://www.gigguide.tw/event-10169
St. Patrick's Day Celebration - A Taste of Ireland
3/17 是愛爾蘭的聖派屈克節, 跟台灣有很多相同之處, 文化的發源地, 和善純樸的人民, 還有當地溫醇的威士忌, 跟豐富的海產, 3/11-3/17 無問題要將提供愛爾蘭的美食及調酒, 不要錯過喔!!
Irish Lamb Stew with Soda Bread
愛爾蘭燉羊肉附蘇打麵包 NT.280
Irish Lamb Stew with Soda Bread
愛爾蘭燉羊肉附蘇打麵包 NT.280
Fish & Chips 炸魚薯條 NT. 270
Mussels in Guinness Cream Sauce
淡菜佐健力士奶油醬 NT.150
Guinness 健力士 NT.150
Irish Coffee 愛爾蘭咖啡 NT. 220
Bailey's 貝里斯奶酒 NT.150
Jameson or Bushmills Shot NT.50
***Bob's March Show List 包伯三月節目表***
***Bob's March Show List 包伯三月節目表***
- 03.01 ***A Night With Song-Writers創作樂手大集合*** @Bobwundaye
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/408221915980354/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9953
- 03.08 Steve Williams & The Aliens @Bobwundaye
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/232399176945443/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9954
- 03.14 Scotty Dunbar and Scott Cook @Bobwundaye!
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/370203759786193/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9955
- 03.15 Soul to Soul @Bobwundaye
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/275665232588973/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9956
- 03.22 ***PUNK v.s. SKA*** B.B.Bomb & Mary Bites Kerry @Bobwundaye
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/531760966940884/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9957
- 03.29 Slack Tide & Dronetonics
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/668461626551691/
Gig Guide http://www.gigguide.tw/event-9958
02.22 ***Brandon Thompson and the Lovemakers present a Night of baby making music***
02.22 ***Brandon Thompson and the Lovemakers present a Night of baby making music***
Brandon and the Heartbreakers presents a night of Funky Love Songs and music to get your juices flowing!Fabio on guitar, Darwin on bass, Ryan on keys, Ed on drums but I have alternates if one can't come. It promises to be a night of pure music magic.
Time / Tiempo / 時間
Saturday, February 22nd 2014, 22:00
2014年2月22日(週六) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)
02.15 Ska Variation @Bobwundaye
02.15 Ska Variation @Bobwundaye
斯卡(SKA)音樂 源自牙買加傳統樂風
Ska Variation*斯卡變異體*
T.sax Saka Chen
Tb. Yichun Teng
Gt. Siou-Shen Lin
Bass Sylvester chen
Drum Andy Y.Chen
Time / Tiempo / 時間
Saturday, February 15th, 2014, 22:00
2014年02月15日(週六) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)
***02.14 Sweet Valentine with Jelly Roll Affair @Bobwundaye***
***02.14 Sweet Valentine with Jelly Roll Affair @Bobwundaye***
The JRA are back at our home sweet home, Bobwundaye this SATURDAY February 15th!!! We hope you'll strap on yer dancin'shoes and shake your Jelly Roll til it can't shake no more! As usual we'll move the tables and chair out of the way to make room for swingin' and dippin'! Come early for a free Swing dance lesson! Word is we'll be having some special guests playin deep on the long horns! Don't miss it!!!
Jelly Roll Affair features Lanny Waugh on guitar/vocals, Ashley Hines on bass, Xiao-Z on drums, Saka Chen on tenor sax, Charles McHale on harmonica/trumpet,AND Miss Serena Engel on vocals !
With special guests:
Thomas Hu of Skaraoke on Trombone!
D.C. Rapier from BoPoMoFo / Bad Ass Brass on Bari sax
and YOU!!!
Time / Tiempo / 時間
Friday, February 14th 2014, 22:00
2014年2月14日(週五) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)
02.08 Shun Kikuta Trio @Bobwundaye
02.08 Shun Kikuta Trio @Bobwundaye
日本吉他大師Kituta又回來囉!!! 這次他又會帶來什麼樣的驚喜? 就讓我們拭目以待吧!!!Kikuta is coming back at Bob's!!! What surprise is he gonna to bring us? Let's check it out!!!!
當天台啤配一杯Bushmill shot才兩百元喔!!!
TW beer with a shot of Bushmill for only 200NT!!!
Time / Tiempo / 時間
Saturday, February 8th 2014, 22:00
2014年2月8日(週六) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)
- Shun Kikuta Trio -
成立於2012年。雖初成軍不久, 吉他手菊田俊介曾經擔任藍調女王Koko Taylor樂團的吉他手、也是跟藍調王B.B King一起合作過的世界知名的藍調吉他手。
本團鼓手根石大輔和菊田俊介十四年前於芝加哥相識之後 ,透過一些音樂活動的機緣, 兩位先後定居在台灣, 持續追求融合了藍調和其他風格音樂之後而形成的新音樂的可能性。再加上日籍優秀貝斯手井上和夫而組合了這楽團。
Kikuta: https://www.facebook.com/shun.kikuta.5?fref=ts
Dafu: http://blog.roodo.com/dafu
01.25 Brian Chiu & Soybeats @Bobwundaye
01.25 Brian Chiu & Soybeats @Bobwundaye
***Funk Jazz / Neo Soul***Groove All Night !!
Brian Chiu on bass:
Solo album "The portrait of J."
Studied music at Musicians Institute, Hollywood.
Worked with A-Mei (張惠妹), Jolin (蔡依林), Richie Jen(任賢齊), Leehom Wang(王力宏) ...etc.
Martin Musaubach on keys:
Professional pianist from Argentina.
Studiologic endorser.
Music arranger, producer, musical director.
Worked with Gary Chaw(曹格), Joanna Wang(王若琳).
1st solo album "3690" released in 2013.
Chuck Payne on drums:
Professional drummer from Houston, Texas.
Studied jazz at University of North Texas.
Worked with Joanna Wang(王若琳), David Tao(陶喆).
Time / Tiempo / 時間
Saturday, January 25th, 2014, 22:00
2014年01月25日(週六) 22:00
Space / Espacio / 地點
Bobwundaye: He-ping East Rd. Sec.3, No.77
Tickets / Intercambio / 票價
200NT (50NT off on first drink)
***01.04 First Gig of The Year*** Tricolor Tree Leaf w/ Nathan Javens - Balaz Lee - Lanny Waugh @ Bobwundaye
Tonight's show opens with a round robin of songwriters: A Chiang / Balaz Lee of 88 Balaz (Guava Seeds), Nathan Javens of Blind Acid Date and Lanny Waugh of Jelly Roll Affair with support from Dan Plimmer on drums and Charles McHale on trumpet and harmonica. After the boys, Tricolor Tree Leaf takes the stage:
Tricolor Tree Leaf
Created by Megan Dooley, Kaitlin Burns, Magali Brun-Okroglic and new percussionist Max Pizzini; this foreign group, spanning Britain, the USA, and France have formed to bring you a fusion of French and English songwriting with weaving harmonies, captivating melodies, and instrumental experiments. Combining their different cultural backgrounds and musical influences, they create a fresh melodic indie/folk sound that stays with you way beyond the final chord.
Tricolor Tree Leaf
Created by Megan Dooley, Kaitlin Burns, Magali Brun-Okroglic and new percussionist Max Pizzini; this foreign group, spanning Britain, the USA, and France have formed to bring you a fusion of French and English songwriting with weaving harmonies, captivating melodies, and instrumental experiments. Combining their different cultural backgrounds and musical influences, they create a fresh melodic indie/folk sound that stays with you way beyond the final chord.
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