Or 'Bobs' for short. The best music, atmosphere, open mic night and Mexican cuisine in Taipei! 別太拘束!! 也不過吃飯, 喝酒, 看表演和玩音樂的同樂會所在!
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.
3/29 Fri. Dinner Tasting Party-All You Can Eat
Finally Bobwundaye is ready to serve you a proper dinner and not just late night snack!!
終於, Bobs 要提供經典晚餐了, 而不只宵夜點心!
3/29 Friday 5:30-8:30pm
This Friday you can have all the food on the menu including:
本周五晚餐搶鮮會, 將提供:
-chicken cheese pie 雞肉起司
-italian steak pie 義式牛肉派
-curried veggie pie 咖哩蔬菜派
-sausage pizza & Veggie pizza 香腸&蔬食比薩
-Gourmet sausage & bread 手工香腸麵包
-Malaysian Chicken Curry 馬來西亞雞肉咖哩飯
-Thai veggie green curry 泰式蔬食綠咖哩飯
Surely there are also our popular snack:
-Nachos 起司玉米片
-Mixed Plate (w/ chips, sausage, chicken wings) 炸物拼盤
-Hakka salty pork 客家鹹豬肉
All you can eat only NT.500 with a glass of Red or White wine or a pint of Taiwan Draft!!
吃到飽只要500元 附一杯紅/白葡萄酒 或台啤
Come early and try everything!!
Bon Appetit!!
03.30 Under The Moon & Winking Owl
03.30 Under The Moon & Winking Owl
"Under The Moon"
生活在城市的一些人,用音樂鋪陳每一個故事,訴說所感受"Winking Owl"
Currently based in Taiwan; Winking Owl is the pet project of reclusive, bitter, and often paranoid singer/songwriter Marc Spahn. They are currently recording their first record. Stay tuned for recent updates on music, shows, and other mad ramblings.3/30 they will be at Bob's and show you how the contrasting music is going to get you wild.
Cover Charge: 200NT(50NT off on first drink)
03.23 Blues Direction
03.23 Blues Direction
Hi all過完年 我們又來跟大家見面了!!
兩個月不見! Blues Direction很期待看到你們
Blues Direction在Bobwundaye 陪伴大家!!!
Blues Direction is the only female vocalist blues band in Taiwan and maybe the youngest one in Blues Society of Taiwan.
Formed in 2010, Blues Direction started to perform in various occasions and made impressive performance even since.
Lead Singer: Minal
Guitar: Aki and Soulway, Bass: Jay,
Keyboard: Chun-Da, Drums: Barry Pan
Cover Charge: 200NT(50NT off on first drink)
St. Patrick's Day Food & Drink Special!!
3/16 Sat. REID @ Bob's/ St. Patrick's Day

Reid has been a band for many years here in Taiwan, and started as a project of guitarist/singer Pat Reid. There have been many members, both guest and core musicians over the years, including Catharine Brown, Christopher Bailey, Clifton Rains, Nick Fothergill, A-Bang, Michael Gordon, Patrick Byrne, and many more. Special thanks to everyone who has played with us and made our shows special or interesting.
Music Type: Rock/ Alternative/ Indie/ Pop
Door Charge NT.200 with NT.50 off from the first drink
Drink Special : Guinness NT.180/ Jameson Shots NT.50
3/15(Friday) La Cumbia Balkanska -Free Entry

Cacophonic Mixtures of Balkan Beats with Cumbia Grooves Presents:3rd Taiwan tour of La Cumbia Balkanska, don't miss it!
-What / Qué cosa /Quoi / Шта / 幹麼?
Balkan and Cumbia music! (Unza Unza Puncha Puncha Chigichigich weeeepa Sabor and so on ...) (現場樂隊表演。跳舞!)
-Who / quién / Qui / Ко / 何人?
La Cumbia Balkanska (Balkumbia)巴爾幹半島跟哥倫比亞(Cumbia)的音樂
-When / Cúando / Quand / Када/ 何時?
Friday (星期五) March 15th, Start at 21:00
-Where / a Dónde le llego / Où / Где/ 何處?
Bobwundaye 嘸問題 (Heping east road, sec.3, number 77台北市大安區和平東路3段77號
-How much/cómo vamos ahí/Combien/Кол'ко/ 入場:
Free entrance, highly recommended to buy the special Cumbia Balkanska cocktail, donation accepted. 免費
Enjoy / Cumbiamelo / ça va bouger/ Уживајте /享受吧!!
La Cumbia Balkanska videos:http://www.youtube.com/lacumbiabalkanska
03/14(Thursday) White Valentine's Music Night
Free Entry!!
This Thursday is White Valentine's day. For the loners and for the lovers we welcome you to our bar and enjoy this special evening with two of our favorite musicians Nick Brown & Megan Dooley to present you some sweet love songs for your ears.
Red/White wine:150NT
White Russian白俄羅斯:150NT
Start at 21:30
03/09 瑪麗咬凱利 & 三十萬年老虎鉗
BOBWUNDAYE 從來沒那麼瘋過!!
瑪莉咬凱利 Mary Bites Kerry(以下截自官網)
"來自台北的ska punk團
Cover Charge(入場費): 200NT
50NT off on first drink 附五十元折價卷
03/02 Nick Brown & Sandwich
The very talented Mr. Nick Brown, coming to you straight from Ipswich, Taiwan, will make you laugh, make you cry and touch you in ways you've never been touched before. In a good way. A superb mix of well-chosen covers and brilliant originals will provide for an unforgettable experience.
The members of Sandwich 三明治, a trio that surprises audiences by being a quartet, grew up in different parts of the World, mostly underwater and in moderately active volcanic craters. The group consists of Polish coal (25%), Polish flannel (25%), French cheese (25%), American politics (25%) and artificial additives. Their style varies from 7-Eleven door jingles to hyperspeed sado-maso metal, but they mostly settle for jazzy-funky-bluesy blob for non-musicians. Avoid contact with eyes, induce vomiting if swallowed.
Entry: 200NT with 50NT off discount on 1st drink
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