
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


A New Year's Eve Bash with Skycruiser and DJ Dannis Clark 在天際漫遊至2012

跨年歡迎大家來Bobwundaye跟我們Skycruiser和來自倫敦的知名DJ Danny Clark, 一起開開心心的迎接2012 萬歲!

Bobwundaye brings you an evening of frolics with Skycruiser and DJ Danny Clark of London's Late Night Audio

Ween是美國的知名地下樂團,而Skycruiser的團員們因為對Ween的喜好與崇拜組成了全亞洲首支專門表演Ween的經典歌曲的樂團,一起來加入我們的奇幻旅程吧! ...

SKYCRUISER: Fluffies, baby bitches and ocean men; this Ween tribute band exists for you to get down and brown to. With mitts firmly wrapped around all the sweet 'n' sleazy Ween classics, we'll bring you a bubbling flow of the golden brown stuff.

On New Year's Eve, Skycruiser will comprise Greg Russell on drums, Tom Squires on bass, Stew Haston on rhythm guitar, Toby Garrod on vocals and Alexander John Ives on lead guitar and Crystal Shien on synth!

Danny擅長的曲風為House和Electronia他即將要在倫敦的Late Night Audio'這家night club擔任駐場DJhttp://www.latenightaudio.com/

DJ DANNY CLARK will be spinning house oriented discoid and electronica, as well as some very dancable bluegrass. He is the resident DJ for the extremely reputable long-running London club night Late Night Audio.

11pm : Skycruiser (Ween Classics)

12:15am : Doi Moi's Delights

12:45am : Skycruiser (Rockin' Good Times)

1:15am : DJ Danny Clark (House : Discoid / Electro)


Folk rock from Japan on 6th Dec.

Date: 6th Dec. Tuesday
Time: 8pm-10:30pm

星期二通常不會喝醉, 但有音樂相伴, 小酌也無妨!!
KINAKO singer, songwriter 樂手, 詞曲創作者
太陽的聲音,充滿的生命的力量,獨一無二的folk-rock singer, from Japan。... 2004年樂團解散後以"KINAKO"之名單飛。
Kinako Official web sitehttp://www.kinako-uta.com/
Kinako facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/kinako.music

大竹研 Ken Ohtake吉他手。
今年2月,發表了solo專輯「似曾至此“I Must Have Been There”」。8月、有演出在FujiRock跟作為林生祥與樂團。

Minimum Charge 低消 NT.200


11/24 NCCU POP之夜~有音嚷嚷

他們從亞當史密斯/涂爾幹/未來主義出走, 在陌生的葉叢裡發現那朵熟悉的西班牙玫瑰花, 粲然依舊不曾凋謝.
我的歌~1.追逐的夢想 2.我一直都不喝咖啡3.不當礦工的生活 4.逃脫小編按~歌手,鍵盤手,拉過小提琴,不願意活在音樂班的光環裡,創作曲中漂亮的轉調,隱藏不住他的身世。

關於我~哲學 音樂 對我來說 這是去同一個地方的兩條路。
我的歌~1.一天 2.想 3.sometimes 4.脆弱
小編按~全能音樂人,集編/寫/彈/錄於一身,為樂團電子混亂世代(Electric MessAge)的靈魂人物。遊於聖人之門者難為言,故沈默應世,一旦開口唱歌,很難不注意到他的才華;一旦開口說話,發現他真的是建中畢業的。

關於我~ 旅人、詩人、 攝影、搖滾樂、離經叛道、可能性。對我來說音樂是帶給人們美好以及復甦的力量,如果願意,我們可以在音樂裡休息,再帶著勇氣出發。生活一直都不是一件簡單的事,希望我的歌能夠在滂沱大雨的陰鬱夜晚,成為陪伴你的溫暖力量。」
小編按~強韌美麗,勇敢綻放,一如創作曲''西班牙玫瑰花'',不論陰晴晦暗,總有她的溫度,穿透。目前正在進行委託創作曲''睡蓮'',12/ 8 生日當天,bobwundaye 強力發表。

我的歌~1.故事 2.樓梯紀事 3.離開了 4.阿春 5.未來主義

Guest Musician~Ismet Ruchimat (Indonesia)
身兼製作人與作曲家的Ismet Ruchimat ,是印尼著名樂團Sambasunda的團長,數年前開始他稱之為「交綜音樂」的計劃,將爪哇甘美朗(Gamelan)、巴里島甘美朗、雅加達流行樂孔蒙(Kromong)、西爪哇的宅蓬(Jaipong),與巴西的森巴(Samba)節奏合為一體,成功掀起印尼跨族群融合樂的風潮。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SambaSunda
Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SambaSunda

Come to meet these young musicians, and wake up the unruly soul in you!!


周而復始: 北印度音樂之夜 Return to Sum: North Indian Music Night

Date: Friday, December 2, 2011

Time: 8:00pm until 11:00pm

Tabla Waka & Sitar Yo are going to show you the beauty of Indian Music!Come to enjoy and relax!

想現場體驗正統的北印度音樂嗎? 來感受不一樣的週五夜晚吧! 穿上你的印度風裝扮,沉浸在Tabla鼓和 Sitar琴神秘不可言喻的魅力中~

Dress code: India, Orient style

Minimum charge: 200NTD


攬花去CD release party- 羅思容與孤毛頭樂團

這是一張完美融合傳統客家詩歌, 戲曲, 鄉村,藍調及和歌等曲風,且 製作精美的客家民謠專輯, Bobwundaye有幸參與思容及孤毛頭樂團的新專輯"攬花去"發表會, 希望和bob's 一樣愛音樂的你/妳一同給思容及孤毛頭樂團掌聲及支持.我們現場會販售這張熱騰騰剛出爐的好專輯, 在星期天的下午, 用好音樂讓你洗滌沾染灰塵的靈魂, 給工作繁重的都市人充充電!!

Date日期: 11/20/2011

Time時間: 4pm-6pm

免門票, 但請帶清爽的耳朵和心靈!!


2 Acres Plowed Kickin it Live At Bobwundaye - Sat Night Nov 12th

Wait-a-Minute! It's Rompin Stompin Country Night at Bobwundaye with 2 Acres Plowed & special guest Pickin Paul Guitar Man!

等等, 星期六來點不一樣的!! Big Bob's 的第一場鄉村音樂夜!!

Slap on yer jeans, pull on yer cowboy boots and slip on yer cowboy hat and Mosey on Down to Bobwundayes for some Hot-lickin-pickin good-old (and new) country/kick-ass country-rock/folky-blue-grassy tunes and a whole lota Hot-dang...Yeeehaawing FUN!

拍拍牛仔褲, 套上牛仔靴還有你酷炫的牛仔帽, 找不到馬騎, 還是可以漫步到bobwundaye享受一下美國南部鄉村搖滾的熱力!!

Fun starts at 10 PM and continues to cows come home!十點開始搖晃, 直到牛仔們都回家!!

Maker's Mark shot NT.100 and Jim Bean& Coke NT.150 whole night

See ya, cow boys and girls!

11/10 NCCU之夜 有音嚷嚷

今晚我們何其榮幸邀請到菲律賓的傑出的音樂人Nityalila Saulo與大家一同演出, 歡迎您來喝酒/聽音樂欣賞Nityalila淋漓盡致的現場能量.
1,Good Afternoon
4,Never Been Over
7,Something wanna tell you
四、Guest Musician~Nityalila Saulo
妮提阿里拉成長於印度瑜珈文化,是菲律賓知名民謠歌手,創作中總是在探索血統、起源、生命意義,搖滾的曲風則受到古印度及菲律賓音樂傳統的雙重洗禮。Nityalila Saulo is a Filipina singer-songwriter and a music producer. She is the daughter of owner and proprietor of Khumbmela and Yadu Bags, Edwin “Yadu” Saulo. She was born and raised in a familyof Yoga practitioners and vegetarians.She first picked up her dad’s guitar at the early age of seven. At fourteen, she started exploring her writing abilities and by sixteen, she had written her first original composition.Her lyrics are highly influenced by the Vedic and the Filipino culture that speaks about her heritage, essence, function, and position in life. Her music is rooted in folk infused with rock and world music.Nityalila Saulo was nominated Best Performance by a New Female Recording Artist at the 2008 Awit Awards, a prestigious award-giving body, spearheaded by PARI (The Philippine Association of the Record Industry, Inc.), that gives recognition to Filipino performing artists and people behind the making of Filipino recorded music.

See you tomorrow!!
Cheers, Bobwundaye


NCCU POP之夜-有聲嚷嚷

一切應該都是那把火引起的, 火一直存在一直醞釀, 在天時地利人和下, 一爆發就燃起雄雄烈火.
官方說法是"重視台灣軟實力", 在音樂的部份, 民間的呼應是有了"政大大眾文化與流行音樂課程-音樂創作與製作課". 在汲汲營營於金錢的年代, 還有一群熱愛音樂, 不畏現實環境的困難的音樂人們, 努力創作推廣, 讓台灣的聲音不被好看的流行音樂和千里來的西洋音樂淹沒.
每個星期四8pm-10pm, 一群對創作有熱誠的朋友們, 要在Bobwundaye發表他/她的作品, 這些原創的樂曲, 也許也可以激發你封塵已久的心, 或者你也該加入他們, 發現你的軟實力!!

A different open mic on every Thursday....
Singers and song writers in Taiwan are coming to Bobwundaye to show you their original songs.
Come to learn, to appreciate even though you may not understand the lyrics, you can still enjoy the music!
Simple cocktail NT.100 from 8-10pm

10/20 performer: 盧怡安,陳威霖,張皓哲, 莊凱程,蕭辰羽
Guest musician:
謝杰廷 Hsieh Chieh Ting, Taiwanese musician(pianist, accordeonist) and writer.
鍾玉鳳 Chung Yu-Feng, Taiwanese musician(pipa, sanxian)


是的, Bob's搬家了!

藏在小角落算算有七年多了, 我們只是下班後喝喝小酒, 罵罵老闆, 可惡的男朋友或女朋友, 興致好時, 還可以分享一下文學, 電影或喜歡的音樂, 但是, 台中的一把火, 逼的我從小角落到繁忙的大街.
這一個月來要用無比神速完成搬家, 裝潢, 登記, 偶爾還要照顧一下三個星期沒地方混的鄰居朋友們, 我真的累爆了!
8/19我們軟軟開幕, 讓大家瞧一下新地方, 不過, 關於風格, 是不能急的, 這二個星期慢慢跟77號培養感情, 互相了解一下, 我想也差不多幫它添個新衣裳! Haha, 是的, 我桌椅都還沒添購哩!
感謝老朋友的支持, 也希望新朋友也可以來玩一下囉!



Greg on Guitar 神奇之手吉他夜

Resident maestro Greg Tackett brings Nadia to take the stage at Bobwundaye with an eclectic selection of acoustic guitar tunes from folks to rock to blues fusion.

FREE entry!

因為戀吉他要花很多精神, 所以難得邀請半隱居的Greg 帶著學生Nadia 一同上台, 神奇吉他手隨性所致的民謠及搖滾風也會讓學吉他的你, 恨....!

Any & all musicians welcome to come and jam later into the night !!



New Arrival: Westons Premium Organic Cider 新貨上架, 威士頓優質有機蘋果酒

尋找好喝的cider已經一陣子了, 味道不能太甜, 濃度不要太高, 要清爽宜人的口感, 畢竟, 這是屬於夏日午後的最佳飲品. 市面上的cider其實不太多, 經過試喝詢價後, 選了這二支, 我個人覺得比較經典的cider. 蘋果cider喝起來沒酒的感覺, 但酒精濃度卻有6.5度, 一不小心就醉了; 梨子cider喝起來有點像喝香檳, 有趣!!



Bob's classical guitar night - Dmitry at Stage 古典吉他夜-謝德明

Before the busy weekend starts, bob's will be introducing Dmitry Sergeev, a young self-taught musician to share his learning and experience on classical guitar.

在忙碌的週末狂歡前, 包柏在星期四的晚上介紹一位自學有成的古典吉他手, 來自俄羅斯的"謝德明"分享他的學習成果及經驗!

Drink special:

Gin&Tonic NT.100, JD Coke NT.100Erdinger NT.150, Taiwan Draft NT.130

Cheers and Applause!! 來賓, 請掌聲鼓勵鼓勵!!
