說正經的,要是沒有Bobwundaye,可能沒有今天的Dark Eyes,我們不會有機會在 Roxy roots, Sappho, Spring Scream, Daniel Pearl's, TAV, Peacefest等地方演奏Django, 現在在看著這篇event的你也不會知道我們是誰!
Seriously, if there had been no Bobwundaye, there would never be a Dark Eyes here fo...r y'all. We wouldn't have played Django's swing in Roxy roots, Sappho, Spring Scream, Daniel Pearl's, TAV, Peacefest, etc, and we'll never be known by people like every pair of eyes reading this post.
Thx to Katrina and the new bigbig space of new Bobwundaye, We are back.
By Dark Eyes....
時間: 3/31 週六晚上10:00開始
地點: Bobwundaye嘸問題
票價: 200ntd 附一杯飲料
time: 10pm, 31st, mar (sat)
addresse: no. 77, Heping E. Rd.,Sec 3, Taipei, Taiwan 106
ticket price: 200ntd and get a drink free
Or 'Bobs' for short. The best music, atmosphere, open mic night and Mexican cuisine in Taipei! 別太拘束!! 也不過吃飯, 喝酒, 看表演和玩音樂的同樂會所在!
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.
3/24 Blurrs Brothers@Bobwundaye 朦朧兄弟夜

Not everything should be so clear!不是每件事都需要那麼清楚....
The Blurrs Brothers were born of necessity and a burning desire to lay down some laid-back Blues way back when in a run-down, one-room, shot-gun shack in the shadows of the hills of Bluesville.朦朧兄弟檔注定是藍調咖, 有點放肆以掩蓋認真!
Th...e Blurrs Bros play soulful, passionate music that's a blend of Blues, Old-school R&B and heart broken ballads.朦朧兄弟的音樂是靈魂的, 熱情的. 融合藍調, 傳統RnB和令人心碎的民謠!!They are going to play in Beijing at the CD Blues Festival in May.
You can get a lot of the information from the Blurrs Bros Facebook page: 更多關於矇矓兄弟檔!http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Blurrs-Bros/187160919950
門票 Cover Charge NTD.200
3/10 Blues Vibrations w/Conor @ Bobwundaye

The Blues Vibrations will be kicking out some down-home, funky jams, and channeling oscillating emanations from the universe this Saturday night at Bobwundaye. We’re featuring harp maestro Conor Prunty on Mississippi saxophone.
Come on out, let your eardrums resonate, rotate your appendages, and enjoy some C2H5OH beverages!
"藍調顫動"要用美式家鄉風類放克合奏, 向宇宙發射波段搖擺之音! Conor Prunty也使出密西西比薩克斯風(口琴)加入播放行列.
加點五四三祭酒讓你星期六的夜晚和大家一起耳膜共鳴, 四肢擺動吧!!
門票Cover Charge NT$200 includes one drink 附飲料一瓶!
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