Not everything should be so clear!不是每件事都需要那麼清楚....
The Blurrs Brothers were born of necessity and a burning desire to lay down some laid-back Blues way back when in a run-down, one-room, shot-gun shack in the shadows of the hills of Bluesville.朦朧兄弟檔注定是藍調咖, 有點放肆以掩蓋認真!
Th...e Blurrs Bros play soulful, passionate music that's a blend of Blues, Old-school R&B and heart broken ballads.朦朧兄弟的音樂是靈魂的, 熱情的. 融合藍調, 傳統RnB和令人心碎的民謠!!They are going to play in Beijing at the CD Blues Festival in May.
You can get a lot of the information from the Blurrs Bros Facebook page: 更多關於矇矓兄弟檔!http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Blurrs-Bros/187160919950
門票 Cover Charge NTD.200