
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


Supercalifragifunkasexy! 70金曲迪士可夜!

Four hours of disco classics, funk and soul from the Soul, Sweat and Swank show's DJs Zulu http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Zulu/203087083065992 and 8Ball!

四小時不間斷迪士可經典樂曲, 在融合放克靈魂, 重現70'80'喇叭褲時代搖滾!

Supercalifragifunkasexy! 70金曲迪士可夜!Only 200NT - best 70's costume wins a bottle of Jameson's whisky. Oh, and it's Laura behind the bar's birthday too!
門票200, 獲頒最佳70'年代服裝獎者, 就把整瓶Jameson帶回家!!

The Soul, Sweat and Swank group - http://www.facebook.com/groups/128081433935252/

Please "like" Bobwundaye! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobwundaye-%E5%98%B8%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C/152056354880633

The Corrupted - video production and events promotion. Subscribe to our Youtube channel here - http://www.youtube.com/user/CorruptedVideo/featured
