04.20 Inhuman非人物種 & Sandwich三明治 @Bobwundaye
Inhuman非人物種 & Sandwich三明治

Saturday we want you to get wild with us again! We invited Inhuman
& Sandwich to come to our bar, looking forward to see you guys!!!!
禮拜六Bobwundaye又要大家來瘋瘋去啦! 這次我們邀請了非人物種和三明治來店裡表演, 期待看到大家喔!!!!!
踏著黑紫色的雲彩,口中哼著不成調的音階來到人世,三頭 六臂手持雞腿降臨凡間,帶給俗世人們無盡的苦惱與納悶。 毫無頭緒的前奏 騎虎難下的主歌,風流倜儻的副歌與不知所措的結語,狂亂 的嘶吼猶如天蓬元帥下凡,雜亂無章的演奏彷彿春天的水溝 。莫名奇妙又充滿快感帶點尷尬的氛圍, 帶給你莫名奇妙的感動!
一晃眼十年也都過去,團員來來去去,直到兩年多前吉他手 大眼加入才正式為現在的組合,從懵懂無知到懵懂無知,始 終如一。
Post-apocalyptic, pre-menstrual, fake-jazz funk-rock, now with 50% more vitamins. Two slices of stale Polish bread, a healthy serving of stinky French cheese and a sprinkle of American arrogance – the best Sandwich money can buy.*
*If you live in poverty.
Cover Charge: 200NT(with 50NT off on 1st drink)
Bars open at 17:30 and the show starts at 22:00
五點半開門, 表演十點開始
禮拜六Bobwundaye又要大家來瘋瘋去啦! 這次我們邀請了非人物種和三明治來店裡表演, 期待看到大家喔!!!!!
Post-apocalyptic, pre-menstrual, fake-jazz funk-rock, now with 50% more vitamins. Two slices of stale Polish bread, a healthy serving of stinky French cheese and a sprinkle of American arrogance – the best Sandwich money can buy.*
*If you live in poverty.
Cover Charge: 200NT(with 50NT off on 1st drink)
Bars open at 17:30 and the show starts at 22:00
五點半開門, 表演十點開始