終於Bobwundaye (嘸問題) 要展現台灣年輕人的搖滾無敵!!
Date: 1/21 (Sat.) 小年夜-回鄉前的最後放縱!
Time: 9pm-12am
Cover 門票: NT.100
Band Intro:
At times positioned around an early 90's, roughly Sonic Youth sound ethic and at times reaching into darker vaults to dredge up unremembered pasts, Manic Sheep are at once recognizable, but then pleasingly original.
Certainly without comparable acts gigging in Taiwan, thi...s is a show worth a lot more than the hundred bucks you'll drop at the door.
假瑟琳 is on drums, 謝天 plays guitar and shouts and 羅西瓜 vocalizes through reverb-drenched effects and lays down fat, dark bass riffs.
Dream Hats is a second machine-based project for Lars, of Okay Cars. For this experiment, he has melded with Duncan, formerly of Unrelentless and Degenerators infamy, to create five, possibly six songs, in the space of five weeks. Mired in synthpop-y tones, vocals breath from behind a barrage of effects, all teetering on folk-tinged guitar riffs.
老搖滾屁股們, 聽MIT原創音樂, 不需花大錢, 不必喝爛酒, 就這一晚讓我們也年輕一下吧!!