Time: 9:30pm-12:00am
About Reigndear:Reigndear are a psychedelic folk band officially founded in Taiwan, January 2007, by South African brothers Kent Dylan & Wesley Jay as well as lifelong friend and multi-instrumentalist/producer Johnny Atterbury.
Reigndear是2007年一月成軍於台灣的迷幻民謠團體, 團員來自南非的Kent Dylan, Wesley Jay 和樂手兼製作人Johnny Atterbury.
Reigndear are a band who believe in the profound effects of music and they create a blend of music that is best described as “a nostalgic look at the present through the past & future”.
Reigndear 相信透過音樂深遠的影響, 要創造一種協調的音樂, 被稱作"現下鄉愁的形狀但穿越過去和未來".
更多關於Reigndear樂團及音樂: http://www.reigndear.com
For more information about the band go to http://www.reigndear.com/
更多關於Reigndear樂團及音樂: http://www.reigndear.com
For more information about the band go to http://www.reigndear.com/
門票Cover Charge NT.200 with one Heineken(附海尼根一瓶)