
台北市大安區和平東路3段77號 #77, Sec. 3, He-ping E. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei
電話 Tel: 02-23771772
營業時間 Opening Hour: Mon.~Sat. 6pm-2am
洽談包場聚會, 請於營業時間電話聯絡, 或以臉書訊息及電子郵件聯繫
For private party organizers, please contact by phone in business hours, or using facebook message and email.


2013 New Year Eve Balloon Party+Open Mic+Skycruiser

Be ready to welcome 2013!!
Bobwundaye is going to give you a unforgettable new year Party! Balloons are all over the ceiling and with a surprise gift You may get a bottle of whiskey, sparkling wine and etc.

準備迎接2013!!無問題要讓你過個難忘的新年夜, 五彩氣球內給你無限驚喜, 試試手氣, 氣泡酒, 威士忌等小禮物馬上到手!

Grand Open Mic: Before Midnight, all the musicians are welcome to jam in bobs stage.午夜前舞台屬於愛音樂的你, 用首歌跟親朋好友分享你的愛!!

New Year Final Counting and get your secret Gift!!新年倒數+揭曉秘密禮物!!

Skycruiser Band play a first gig at Bobwundaye at 1am till tired!! Fluffies, baby bitches and ocean men; this Ween tribute band exists for you to get down and brown to. With mitts firmly wrapped around all the sweet 'n' sleazy Ween classics, we'll bring you a bubbling flow of the golden brown stuff. On New Year's Eve, Skycruiser will comprise Greg Russell on drums, Tom Squires on bass, Stew Haston on rhythm guitar, Toby Garrod on vocals and Alexander John Ives on lead guitar and Crystal Shien on synth!天際漫遊樂團繼續嗨翻新年夜!

Door Charge 門票 NT. 200


12/29 Saturday Denis Chang+Dark Eyes Gypsy

About Denis Chang:
Greatly influenced by the music of Django Reinhardt, guitarist Denis Chang's formative years were spent alongside the greatest Jazz Manouche guitarists such as Fapy Lafertin, Ritary Gaguenetti, Paulus Schäfer, Rindo Winterstein and Emmanuel Kassimo to name just these few. This young guitarist quickly developed his own style inspired by various styles of music. 

一名來自加拿大的吉他手。受到Django Reinhardr極大的影響,在Denis Chang成長時一直跟在Fapy Lafertin, Ritary Gaguenetti, Paulus Schäfer, Rindo Winterstein Emmanuel Kassimo這些吉普賽爵士吉他大師身邊。這位年輕的吉他手也很快地受到不同風格音樂的影響,發展出自己的風格。

Dark Eyes Gypsy Jazz Band
致力於推廣吉普賽爵士音樂,並且積極參與各式藝文演出, 2010年台中爵士音樂節得獎團體, 若你也熱愛生命與音樂,不妨駐足傾聽。

Door Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount


12/22 Sat. Blind Acid Date 迷幻的瞎眼約會

Blind Acid Date will be playing a Christmas show at Bobwundaye on this Saturday, 22nd Dec.
Which happens to be our guitar player's birthday as well.

Come to help to celebrate Moshe and Jesus' birthdays with good music, good people and good cheer!


12/15 Blues Trio @ Bobwundaye

吉他—David Chen

在台灣廳藍調的人應該都知道David,在美國長大回台灣尋根,意外的在寶島找到一群熱愛音樂的朋友.成立David Chen&Muddy Basin Ramblers樂團,已在無數音樂祭演出.除了藍調近年也跟多位知名客家樂手如林生祥,羅思容共同創作,並在2012獲金曲獎肯定.

David的音樂從藍調起步,但不限於藍調, 更融合爵士,民謠等

於美國明尼蘇達大學moorhead音樂學院進修時,是當時唯一一位審査合格日選的日本人,並成為 The University`s Master Band樂團(演奏爵士和融合曲風)的一員。在美國期間,多次通過試演,進而參加當地音樂嘉年華會的演出,並録製成唱片。
2004年移居台灣繼續推展音樂並加入Black Sheep樂團。近幾年與藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團的吉他手菊田俊介先生來台演出時同台表演,此外也在其他不同類型的樂團例如Jazz、Funk等擔任演出。

畢業於美國明尼蘇達大學、之後繼續於洛杉磯音樂家學院MI(Musicians Institute)進修並榮獲榮譽學生。畢業後繼續在MI校擔任助教以及在洛杉磯地區從事教學工作等音樂活動。而後回日本在MI-Japan名古屋校擔任教師,2003年來到台灣 ★在演出方面,曾在國家戲劇院、國家音樂廳、美國的BB King's、日本的次郎吉(JIROKICHI)、日本Miya Jazz Inn Festival、台中爵士音楽節等有名的地方表演。 ★並曾和Grammy葛來美獎歌手Hazel Payne、藍調女王KoKo Tayler樂團吉他手菊田俊介先生、藍調大師Albert King楽団的前貝斯手Melvin Lee, 前IBC世界冠軍Ken"Snowman"Minahan, 同IBC世界冠軍Joey Gilmore, Boogie的大王Mitch Woods, 阿根廷藍調王Gabriel Gratzer, 斯洛伐克藍調王Peter Radvanyi, 藍調口琴大師Matthew Kelly, 藍調吉他大師Rich Harper, 爵士鋼琴大師Carl Schroeder, 爵士吉他大師Jeff Richman, 紐西蘭毛利族最受稱讚的歌手Whirimako Black, 葛來美獎小提琴手Jamii等世界知名樂手共同演出。2005年在

12/15 Sat. 這三位藍調老手終於要共聚一堂, 激發一股新的火花!

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount


11/24 Sat. Dave Chen& Muddy Basin Ramblers

Time: 9:30pm-midnight

A blues singin' and swingin', washtub bass slappin', jug blowin', uke strummin', horn blowin', banjo frailin', washboard shufflin', kazoo wailin', harmonica pipin', tall-grass-tree-mountain-lovin' GOOD TIME!!

David Chen &泥灘地浪人是由一群台北新移民組成的樂團。樂團成員包括民謠口琴手、和聲與踢躂舞者、打擊樂手、薩克斯風手、小喇叭手等。吟唱、弦樂、管樂、踢踏舞、鼓樂與樂人遷徙經歷的交錯,使得這個以美國藍調傳統為音樂根基的樂團,流露豐富的文化與生命經驗。

Cover Charge NT.200 w/ NT.50 drink discount

11/23 Fri. Comedy Night @ Bobwundaye

上班很悶嗎? 星期五Happy再加分!!
1. 酸酸 (TJ Penny)
Comedy Club 脫口秀團體[雙囍門]的一員,
101 年藝穗節邀請團體
101 年九份昇平戲院固定邀請表演
101年Comedy Club固定演出

2. 東區德 (Dirty Dirt)

台灣stand-up comedy首席團體[站立幫]的一員,

100/101 年藝穗節邀請團體
100/101 年九份昇平戲院固定邀請表演
100 華視新聞訪問

3. Mark Caltonhill
十多年的脫口秀經驗, 愛上台灣, 熱愛表演, 中英文雙聲帶, 唱作俱佳的表演者

門票: 200元 附50元飲料折價券


11/17 Sat. Wailin' Soul Live @ Bobwundaye

Wailin' Soul plays high energy funk, soul, soca, reggae and R&B.
Wailin' Soul features singer and frontman Sherwyne Pereira all the way from Trinidad, guitarist Russell Rodgers, bassist Cyrille Briegel and drummer Hanro "Jubba" Van Wyk.
Sherwyne has played clubs all the way from Trinidad to Hong Kong.

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount.


11/3 Sat. Mark Darvill LIve @ Bobwundaye

Hi everyone.
This Saturday I'm doing what it says above. Got some new songs and want people to hear them, so hope y'all can make it down!
馬克一向給人謙和有禮的感覺, 但他的音樂創作展現的是他敏感奔放的心靈, 這個星期六, 馬克要帶著他最新的創作, 用音樂跟你分享生活中共同的感受!

初到寶島來自法國的Francois, 帶著他的吉他及效果器, 用一種你沒聽過的音樂形式, 為一整個夜晚的音樂揭開序幕!
Start @9:30pm
Free Entry 免費入場


10/27 Sat. Nick Brown &Arman Torus Live @ Bobwundaye

Nick Brown will share many beautiful songs he has been hiding away and Arman Torus will also be sharing many less familiar songs as well as a cover or two. Justin Darcy will be sharing his beautiful trumpet playing and Austin Lin will be providing the rhythm.

Guitar/vocals- Arman Torus
Guitar/vocals- Nick Brown
Trumpet- Justin Darcy
Cajon/Drums- Austin Lin

Cover charge will be 200nt with 50nt drink discount

10/26 Friday Halloween 4 Adults-A Fancy Cocktail Party

When ghosts are flying around in town, you also want to put on your costume. No horror makeup and scary costume, you simply put on the beautiful evening gown to let your friends shocked by your beauty!!
城市裏群魔亂舞, 你也想來點不一樣的!! 不要恐怖的化妝及戲服! 穿上你美麗的晚宴服, 讓你的美麗驚豔全場!!
沒門票, 不比賽!
No cover charge, No competition, Only one beautiful Friday night!


10/20 Sat. Daniel Pearl Day World Music Day After Party and Jam @ Bobwundaye 丹尼爾日-愛與和平音樂日

丹尼.波爾(Daniel Pearl)是一名成就非凡的記者和樂手,也是位著名的樂評人。2002年任職華爾街日報時,不幸地為了採訪工作死於巴基斯坦恐怖份子手中。為了紀念丹尼.波爾短暫卻燦爛的一生,他的朋友在2002年發起「丹尼一日音樂節」,每年十月在世界各地舉辦,傳遞愛與和平、希望與寬容的理念。



今晚10pm在客家文化主題公園的表演結束後, 如果音樂吉美久還不夠, 歡迎來Bobwundaye和樂手朋友們一起Party!!


13th Oct.(Sat.) T-Bone & Yasu's Blastland

Time: 10pm - 12am
Door charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount.

Using variations of tempo and time signatures, as well as unique chord structures and rhythms, T-Bone and Yasu’s music creates interesting and original textures. Playing beyond a “guitar and a box”, they tackle large and complex arrangements.

-Their music was a little....I don't know..errr.. how to say... "off"- review from a recent show...

利用多變的節奏與時間變化特徵, 及獨特的和弦結構與韻律, T-Bone和Yasu兩人創造了音樂的趣味性及原創況味.藉由一把吉他和個鼓箱, 他們就把原屬大型樂團的音樂處理妥當!
更多訊息(或試聽一下!!)More info. about them:

October 13th's Featured Players are:
Terry Engel: Guitar, Vocals, Bass Pedals
Yasuhiro Toda: Percussion
Vicki Lin: Guitar, Keyboard


6th Oct. Sat. Soul to Soul- A night of Rock&Roll

"Soul to Soul" is Mike Mclaughlin-guitar and vocals, Brian Chou-bass, Douzi-drums, Shawn-keyboards.Their classic blues rock based set includes the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, the Beatle's as well as their own original compositions. In the mid 90's Mike recorded and toured with legend "Kiss" drummer Peter Criss for several years before Moving to Taiwan in 2001. All the members of the band are veteran's of the Asian music scene playing and recording with such artist's as "Amei", "Jolin", "S.H....E", "Powerstation", "Chyi Chin" and many more. As Mike said, " the reason we formed this band was to have fun and to plat the kind of music we don't usually get a chance to play with Asian pop artist's."

愛聽搖滾樂的朋友有福了!! 無問題在光輝十月的第一份獻禮, 曾經與美國經典搖滾KISS樂團巡迴的Mike, 在與知名流行樂手合作之餘, 結合亞洲合作夥伴, 在無問題來個經典搖滾樂之夜!!

We have only 80 tickets, Come to Bobwundaye early that night!

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount!



9/22 Sat. The Shiznits Live @ Bobwundaye

We are going back to our home.. where this band was formed by cheap booze and great performers getting together..

Lets party, lets have fun and enjoy the night.

The Shiznits are a hot funk and soul band featuring veterans of the Taipei music scene. The band was formed by random jams at live music venues. The band's repertoire includes a strong collection of original songs, as well as numbers by Prince, James Brown and D'Angelo, and even a few reggae classics. Featuring the intensity of D.C. Rapier on saxophone, the explosive power of Nicolas Chenuet on trumpet, the rhythmic and funky guitar playing of Nick Brown and the soulful vocals of Arman Torus, the Shiznits' sound is driven by the rock-solid rhythm section of bassist Sean Su and drummer Daz Booker. Many of these names will be familiar to music fans in Taipei as both solo artists and members of other bands playing regularly around the city.

Time: 10pm-Late
Entrance fee- 200nt with a 50nt drink discount.


9/8 (Sat.) 賽璐璐Celluloid@ Bobwundaye首秀夜

At long last, This Saturday (Sept. 8), made-in-Taiwan blues-rock legends Celluloid will be ripping it up at Bobwundaye. Truly The veteran band of the local blues rock scene, Celluloid formed in 1994 and put out their first and only album "springtime weather" in 2002.

This band fits the bill in every way and Bobwundaye is honored to showcase a Saturday night of the real rock-out spirit of Taiwan.

You don't wanna be late for this one! Starts at 10pm.

如果你聽地下樂團夠久, 你一定知道賽璐璐, 大概是最屹立不搖, 而且碩果僅存的台製藍調搖滾團, 2002年錄製了"春天的天氣"專輯, Bobwundaye的吧台偶爾會放送回味一下, 9/8 終於可以在Bobwundaye看到原汁原味的演出, 如果你沒聽過團長阿義的現場吉他, 就別說你了台灣的地下樂團!
Time: 10pm~midnight
Door charge: NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount. 入場費二百元附五十元飲料折價券


9/1 Sat. 2 Acres Plowed CD release party 二畝田CD發表音樂會

2 Awesome occasions, one Excellent place!

2 Acres Plowed will release their first real CD. That's right, all night long we'll be preforming our own unique brand & style of home made country-rock-bluegrass music (with a few added surprises) - Homemade in the sense that all was cooked up here in Taiwan! And of course, we'll be playing ya some classic & modern country tunes as well.

Yeeeehaaaaw....and not to forget all the Fun, Rantin & Ravin that goes along with it all!

Time: 10pm



8/18 響男塾週六YA @ Bobwundaye

炎炎夏日, 如何盡情揮灑自己的色彩, 年輕不要留白?!?!
快來參加響男塾樂團週六 FUNKY狂歡夜吧!
會樂器同好可以一 起來玩⋯⋯
時間: 2012.08.18(六) 晚上9:00~12:00

Door Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount 入場卷:200元 (內含50元飲食折價)
薩克斯風: 盧正隆
鋼琴: 鍾思穎
電吉他: 黃建元
電貝斯: 許哲魁
鼓: 馬仕函


7/23 Mon. Mike Mudd&The Bollands @ Bobwundaye

Mike Mudd doing his acoustic magic and The Bollands, all the way from New Zealand, getting your feet stomping!
Come and join us for some drinks, tunes and madness!

憂鬱星期一的治療法, 遠道而來的紐西蘭樂團也曾受邀在2012春吶演出的 The Bollands 和Live house 巡演樂手 Mike Mudd 要在星期一用輕快的樂音, 讓你一整週都動起來!

免費入場! Free Entry!

Listen to their music on Youtube:

7/21 Sat. Dark Eyes@ Bobwundaye


這次不開黃腔,不唱黑腔死腔,只帶來滿滿道地的Jazz Manouche名曲。

繼手風琴手Vincent去過2011全世界最大的Djangofest in Samois之後,團長也去2012年的Djangofest取經回來了。聽了道地的大師們都在彈什麼,我們決定來選一些道地的gypsy jazz曲子,雋永而不老梗;而團長也要分享在國外跟著大師一起參加(偷摸進)大師們的宴會的趣事以及學習(被慘電)的過程。

Time: 7/21 10pm-midnight
Door Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount


6/16 Sat. T-Bone&Yasu are back to Bobwundaye!

Using variations of tempo and time signatures, as well as unique chord structures and rhythms, T-Bone and Yasu’s music creates interesting and original textures. Playing beyond a “guitar and a box”, they tackle arrangements that might normally be reserved for a large band...s.
-Their music was a little....I don't know how to say... "off"- review from a recent show

利用多變的節奏與時間變化特徵, 及獨特的和弦結構與韻律, T-Bone和Yasu兩人創造了音樂的趣味性及原創況味.藉由一把吉他和個鼓箱, 他們就把原屬大型樂團的音樂處理妥當!
上次在Bobwundaye的表演讓很多人驚艷, 音樂豐富有趣, 樂手也很High, 這次也要好好玩一下囉!
更多訊息(或試聽一下!!)More info. about them:

Time: 10pm-midnight
cover charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount! 門票200元附50元飲料抵用券


6/9 Sat. Mike Mudd vs, Christian Adams @ Bobwundaye

Mike could be Taiwan's busiest traveling performer, and with his explosive stage presence and emotionally driven songwriting it's no surprise. He has equal tendencies toward light or dark themes: confessional, bizarre, obsessive, comedic, angry, romantic, or dramatic.

A true one-man-band with acoustic finger-style and flat-picked guitar, harmonica-in-a-rack, ukulele, and foot percussion. His often self-deprecating songs range from alternative-folk, blues, roots, rock and alt-country, to gypsy, jump, and tin-pan-alley.



麥克的歌曲主題很廣泛,或沉重,或輕快. 懺悔,幽默,憤怒,浪漫,奇幻,迷戀,或戲劇化的情感,他都能完整的抒發於音符之間.


麥克的風格獨特,他結合了特別的"手指技法木吉他"(相當於是鋼琴家在彈鋼琴時來彈吉他),和用撥片在木吉他上彈奏. 還有少見的架式口琴,烏克麗麗和輔助的敲擊樂器(鈴鼓,沙鈴).


麥克是一個創作型歌手,他的歌曲類型從藍調,Roots, 搖滾,以民謠為原始方式來做音樂的非主流鄉村,吉普賽,結合了節奏爵士與藍調的Jump,和叮砰巷歌曲.

Christian Adams is coming out of retirement!

Christian will perform as a solo guitarist-slash-entertainer for the first time since 2006, playing fingerstyle 12-string renditions of some of his favorite songs, including (possibly) an Aztec Hearts song or two. Currently he's been practicing "Fat Ass" and "Sandy".
Chris 手拿紅酒, 靜靜的等了六個月, 才說"其實我以前是職業樂手.." 距離上次上舞臺已經有6年了, 這次, 懷抱對音樂不滅的熱情, 用及他告訴說對音樂的愛恨情仇..

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount
門票200, 附50元飲料折價券


Supercalifragifunkasexy! 70金曲迪士可夜!

Four hours of disco classics, funk and soul from the Soul, Sweat and Swank show's DJs Zulu http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Zulu/203087083065992 and 8Ball!

四小時不間斷迪士可經典樂曲, 在融合放克靈魂, 重現70'80'喇叭褲時代搖滾!

Supercalifragifunkasexy! 70金曲迪士可夜!Only 200NT - best 70's costume wins a bottle of Jameson's whisky. Oh, and it's Laura behind the bar's birthday too!
門票200, 獲頒最佳70'年代服裝獎者, 就把整瓶Jameson帶回家!!

The Soul, Sweat and Swank group - http://www.facebook.com/groups/128081433935252/

Please "like" Bobwundaye! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobwundaye-%E5%98%B8%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C/152056354880633

The Corrupted - video production and events promotion. Subscribe to our Youtube channel here - http://www.youtube.com/user/CorruptedVideo/featured


5/26 Sat. Live Country Music @ Bobwundaye 嘸問題

5/26 Sat. 9:30pm-11:30pm

That's right Taipei, the boys are geared up for another Northern Invasion. Bringing Live Country Music with a WHOLE lotta Yee Hawin Fun. Show starts at 10pm and goes on until the cows come home!

這次牛仔們又帶著牛仔音樂北上進攻, 體驗鄉村音樂的輕快和活力, 跟我們一起呀呼....

2 Acres Plowed - This time we're bringing the Classics, the Honky Tonk and soo much more..

Cover Charge NT.200 with NT.50 drink discount
門票 NT.200 附五十元飲料折價券

About Musicians: 2 Acres Plowed 二畝田


5/19 Shun Kikuta Blues Band @ Bobwundaye

Shun is an internationally renowned musician traveling around the world entertaining audiences with his soulful, explosive, and heart-retching music. He crosses the globe including Europe, Bahamas, Central America, Asia, Oceania and Canada several times each year touring with late Koko Taylor, "The Queen of Blues", 2010 Chicago Music Awards winning band J.W.Williams & Chitown Hustlers and his own group, Shun Kikuta Band.

5/19 Sat. Shun will play with Dafu Neishi (根石大輔) as drumer, and Lee-Ping Jian (江力平) as bass player.

樂團簡介 Band introduction:

Time時間: 9:30pm-12:00am
Door charge NT.300 with NT.50 drink discount.

5/12 (Sat.) It's more blessed to give than to receive! 施比受有福之衣物交換/ 捐助日


每當季節交替, 衣櫥大換季時, 你一定會發現一些很少穿又捨不得丟的衣服或配件, 星期六整理一下, 帶到Bobwundaye, 也許它會找到新主人, 重新展風華!! 可以交換, 可以賣, 發發善心, 義賣所得讓我們捐助需要幫助的人!!
Dear sisters,
Are there some clothes in your wardrobe not wearing them often, but don't want to throw them away? It's your chance to exchange them with friends or you can sell them cheap to others! We encourage you to sell them and donate the money to those who in need.

The money collected that night will be given to RED CROSS Taiwan.

Tell your friends! We are more beautiful within than apperance!

Cocktails and Wine NT.150 all night long!!

Cheers, Bobwundaye


5/5 Stevie Ray & Black Sheep Blues Trio

Stevie Ray & Black Sheep Blues Trio was formed in 2004 and is dedicated to playing Blues music. In Taiwan, it is the ONLY ONE Texas Style Blues Band and also ONLY ONE Blues Band LED by Taiwanese.

黑羊藍調樂團成立於2004年,是台灣唯一一支表演Texas Blues曲風及由台灣原住民領隊的藍調樂團在黑羊活力四射的音樂中蘊含著交響樂般的質感和奔放的情緒,充分呈現出每一位樂手的魅力風采!

門票Cover Charge: NT.200 with NT.50 Drink Discount 附五十元飲料抵用券


4/28 Sat. Arman Torus and Friends

Arman Torus songwriter meets musicians. Arman brings the song, and these fine fellows give it life. Some jammers are welcome to join.

Original songs ranging from funk to reggae to blues and things in between. 由詞曲創作人Arman Torus 帶來的歌曲, 讓樂手朋友一起賦予他生命. 原創的樂曲涵蓋了放克, 雷鬼到藍調或系列音樂...的合體! 歡迎大家一起來玩!!

Saxophone and harmonica: DC Rapier (from the band Bopomofo)
Trumpet: Nicolas Chenuet (international jazz musician)
Drums: Greg Russell (from the band High Tide/The Looking Glass/Skycruiser........)
Guitar: Nick Brown ( gigs with everyone everywhere)
Bass: Jim Lehman ( more solid than Arnold in his best days)
Guitar and Vocals: Arman Torus

Expect plenty of energy. These guys got skills. 除了對音樂的熱情, 樂手朋友們還將熱情焠鍊為演奏的技巧!
門票Cover Charge: NTD.200 includes one drink 含飲料一杯


4/21(Sat.) Urban Nomad closing party w/ Blind Acid Date and Under the Moon 城市遊牧影展閉幕趴

Blind Acid Date 迷幻的盲目約會:

Bob's dear friend Nathan Javens' new band and their first show.

Under the moon:
... 基本的四人組合樂團,曲風近於前衛搖滾,在一個個音樂段落中,營造出我們試圖建立的氛圍。並用流暢的旋律加上有時沈靜有時激昂的編曲方式,穿過人心的所有偽裝,與自己對話。
吉他手陳俊安,地下樂團的傳奇,從黑子,襪子,波西米亞,玩到濁水溪公社,趙一豪&double X, 放客兄弟,已經無法歸類他的吉他形態了,而每一種樂風卻被他輕而易舉的把玩在雙手之間。

Cover Charge NTD.300 with NTD.50 drinks discount.門票300附50元折價券



Remarkable accoustic guitar player from Sapporo Hokkaido.

忙了一星期, 星期五的晚上說完老闆的壞話, 一起讓來自Sapporo的吉他手用時而流暢, 時而激昂的樂音開始你快樂的周末吧!!

門票 Ticket NT200 with NT.50 discount for drinks 附50元折價券!!

樂手簡介 About Shohei Yamaki (Acoustic Guitar)

Born in Sapporo, Japan in 1989, Shohei grew up listening to the great rock and jazz guitar masters of the second half of the 20th century. Early on in his life, he became deeply enmeshed in the wealth of guitar tones and styles that emerged out of America and Europe and began studying the guitar as if it was his only calling. By the time he reached his twentieth birthday in 2010, he could emulate practically any guitar sound and style that existed in the world. In 2010, Shohei was the unanimous choice of the judges for the First Prize of the Sapporo International Jazz Festival. He competed with over 150 entrants and surprised everyone, including himself, by taking first place. In 2011, Shohei released a first album “ North Wind” and was invited by Toronto In...ternational Jazz Festival, Eden Mile Charity Live in Canada. At present, he is featured at music theatres around the country, and continue to actively compose and develop his new expression. When watching this remarkable musician play you begin to feel that his guitar is merely a natural extension of his body. He creates sounds evocative of such great guitarists as Eric Johnson and Michael Hedges with a bit of Chet Atkins and Leo Kottke thrown in for good measure. There is nothing he can’t do and no sound he can’t create. At such an early stage in his career, the musical world is in for a number of elegant surprises.

In 2012 on April, Shohei will launch his second Album ”NEXT SHOw TIME” In this second album,in addition to his fresh sound, it is expressed his different style such as HIP HOP and ROCK, including first his vocal. He try to express his new creation and possibility by his original new style music.


3/31 Dark Eyes Back to Bobwundaye

說正經的,要是沒有Bobwundaye,可能沒有今天的Dark Eyes,我們不會有機會在 Roxy roots, Sappho, Spring Scream, Daniel Pearl's, TAV, Peacefest等地方演奏Django, 現在在看著這篇event的你也不會知道我們是誰!


Seriously, if there had been no Bobwundaye, there would never be a Dark Eyes here fo...r y'all. We wouldn't have played Django's swing in Roxy roots, Sappho, Spring Scream, Daniel Pearl's, TAV, Peacefest, etc, and we'll never be known by people like every pair of eyes reading this post.

Thx to Katrina and the new bigbig space of new Bobwundaye, We are back.
By Dark Eyes....

時間: 3/31 週六晚上10:00開始
地點: Bobwundaye嘸問題
票價: 200ntd 附一杯飲料

time: 10pm, 31st, mar (sat)

addresse: no. 77, Heping E. Rd.,Sec 3, Taipei, Taiwan 106

ticket price: 200ntd and get a drink free


3/24 Blurrs Brothers@Bobwundaye 朦朧兄弟夜

Not everything should be so clear!不是每件事都需要那麼清楚....

The Blurrs Brothers were born of necessity and a burning desire to lay down some laid-back Blues way back when in a run-down, one-room, shot-gun shack in the shadows of the hills of Bluesville.朦朧兄弟檔注定是藍調咖, 有點放肆以掩蓋認真!

Th...e Blurrs Bros play soulful, passionate music that's a blend of Blues, Old-school R&B and heart broken ballads.朦朧兄弟的音樂是靈魂的, 熱情的. 融合藍調, 傳統RnB和令人心碎的民謠!!They are going to play in Beijing at the CD Blues Festival in May.

You can get a lot of the information from the Blurrs Bros Facebook page: 更多關於矇矓兄弟檔!http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Blurrs-Bros/187160919950

門票 Cover Charge NTD.200


3/10 Blues Vibrations w/Conor @ Bobwundaye

The Blues Vibrations will be kicking out some down-home, funky jams, and channeling oscillating emanations from the universe this Saturday night at Bobwundaye. We’re featuring harp maestro Conor Prunty on Mississippi saxophone.

Come on out, let your eardrums resonate, rotate your appendages, and enjoy some C2H5OH beverages!

"藍調顫動"要用美式家鄉風類放克合奏, 向宇宙發射波段搖擺之音! Conor Prunty也使出密西西比薩克斯風(口琴)加入播放行列.

加點五四三祭酒讓你星期六的夜晚和大家一起耳膜共鳴, 四肢擺動吧!!

門票Cover Charge NT$200 includes one drink 附飲料一瓶!


25th Feb. 2012 T-Bone&Yasu Live @Bobwundaye

Date: 2012/2/25 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30pm

Using variations of tempo and time signatures, as well as unique chord structures and rhythms, T-Bone and Yasu’s music creates interesting and original textures.

Playing beyond a “guitar and a box”, they tackle arrangements that might normally be reserved for a large band...s.-Their music was a little....I don't know how to say... "off"- review from a recent show

利用多變的節奏與時間變化特徵, 及獨特的和弦結構與韻律, T-Bone和Yasu兩人創造了音樂的趣味性及原創況味.藉由一把吉他和個鼓箱, 他們就把原屬大型樂團的音樂處理妥當!


More info. about them: http://www.reverbnation.com/tboneandyasu

門票Cover Charge NT.100

18th Feb. 2012 Reigndear Live@Bobwundaye

Date: 2012/2/18
Time: 9:30pm-12:00am

About Reigndear:Reigndear are a psychedelic folk band officially founded in Taiwan, January 2007, by South African brothers Kent Dylan & Wesley Jay as well as lifelong friend and multi-instrumentalist/producer Johnny Atterbury.

Reigndear是2007年一月成軍於台灣的迷幻民謠團體, 團員來自南非的Kent Dylan, Wesley Jay 和樂手兼製作人Johnny Atterbury.

Reigndear are a band who believe in the profound effects of music and they create a blend of music that is best described as “a nostalgic look at the present through the past & future”.

Reigndear 相信透過音樂深遠的影響, 要創造一種協調的音樂, 被稱作"現下鄉愁的形狀但穿越過去和未來".
更多關於Reigndear樂團及音樂: http://www.reigndear.com
For more information about the band go to http://www.reigndear.com/

門票Cover Charge NT.200 with one Heineken(附海尼根一瓶)


Manic Sheep w/ Dream Hats @ Bobwundaye

終於Bobwundaye (嘸問題) 要展現台灣年輕人的搖滾無敵!!

Date: 1/21 (Sat.) 小年夜-回鄉前的最後放縱!

Time: 9pm-12am

Cover 門票: NT.100

Band Intro:

At times positioned around an early 90's, roughly Sonic Youth sound ethic and at times reaching into darker vaults to dredge up unremembered pasts, Manic Sheep are at once recognizable, but then pleasingly original.

Certainly without comparable acts gigging in Taiwan, thi...s is a show worth a lot more than the hundred bucks you'll drop at the door.

假瑟琳 is on drums, 謝天 plays guitar and shouts and 羅西瓜 vocalizes through reverb-drenched effects and lays down fat, dark bass riffs.

Dream Hats is a second machine-based project for Lars, of Okay Cars. For this experiment, he has melded with Duncan, formerly of Unrelentless and Degenerators infamy, to create five, possibly six songs, in the space of five weeks. Mired in synthpop-y tones, vocals breath from behind a barrage of effects, all teetering on folk-tinged guitar riffs.


老搖滾屁股們, 聽MIT原創音樂, 不需花大錢, 不必喝爛酒, 就這一晚讓我們也年輕一下吧!!


6th Jan. 2012 Scott Cook on his Moonlit Rambles Tour to Bobwundaye

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's own prairie balladeer Scott Cook is returning to Taiwan for an island-wide tour to release his third solo album, Moonlit Rambles.

After staying on Taiwan for six years, teaching and playing with The Anglers and The Smoking Cones, Scott left the... classroom to pursue music full-time in 2007, and has been living out of his van all over North America ever since.

He has made two trips back to the island to release his previous CDs Long Way to Wander and This One's on the House, and is excited to return with his best work to date, an album of moonlit nights, open roads, sociopolitical musings, love, loss, and longing, marked by his characteristically mellow fingerpicking, thoughtful lyricism, and plain-spoken honesty.

More info, music and hobo travelogue can be found on http://www.scottcook.net/

Opening act - The dynamic blues duo David Chen & Conor Prunty will be kicking off the evening's proceedings at around 9.00pm.

那一年, 在一切都得小小聲的小包柏, 有一場難忘的音樂聚會, 發聲者就是Scott Cook, 巡迴世界各地唱遊的Scott再一次回到Bobwundaye, 讓更多的人有機會聽到他溫暖, 觸動心靈的聲音!!

唱者隨心的高歌或低鳴, 聽者輕聲細語, 燭光搖曳, 這是 Bobwundaye 2012的新年獻禮!!

David Chen & Conor Prunty to open, starting 9.00pm

Cover Charge 門票 NT.100